When you hear/read the word toy, which one does come up first in your mind?
I would say a cash register, 'cause that one was my fav toy
evaaaaaa'. But, what about the toy that first seem to be awkward, useless or kind of tacky? Well, some weeks ago I was at a store called DesignTorget (designtorget.se) and I saw these cutie little toys of...
piss and poop!
and so on... I though it was an oddity, like... who would buy these kinda toys? What for?!?!?!?!
Well, the thing is that I do no have children yet, buuuut maybe there are people out there who use these kind of toys to teach the kids that kind of stuff. When I give a second thought about it, it sounds more hygienic to use these fluffy cuties instead of real stuff xD it just costs 275SEK, yeah, just det!
Kiss&Bajs = Piss&Poop = 1&2 |
Then, another day I was in IKEA (yeah, because it's Sweden and... why not?) and I saw the cutie little thing called the wolf and the grandma from Little Red Cap (or Caperucita Roja, para la banda). Yepp, the wolf has space to keep the grandma in the belly because... YOLO and... why not?
Aaaaany way, we are in 2014 and who know what and how the new kids are learning things about life and the way of telling stories of Charles Perrault.
Grandma partially in (or out) of the wolf's belly. |