Ever since I moved from my hometown to Monterrey, there is one tradition that I keep it alive within me. By own decision and because it is something that I care about. And it is so because when I was a cute little child I read stories from ghosts and so.
There was one leyend about the Day of the Dead which said that all the souls came back to the underworld specifically on Nov 1st and Nov 2nd. Every soul knew the way to its home (They got GPS before it was mainstream) and 'eat' and 'drink' what was on the altar. But there were lonely or forgotten souls that had no home to go, or there was noboy who remembered them. These souls go back to their world with no food or drink at all and had to survive sad and hungry 'till the next year, and maybe they will never have something with them again.
I really got sad when I read this and asked my mom if there were really people who has been forgotten. I don't remember the answer, I just remember the anxiety of know that if it was true, that there is live after live and allthatstuff it will be so sad that the souls are more lonely that when they were humans. They will be like that for... THE ETERNITY!
So, when I moved to Monterrey I put every year an altar, with no pictures of my loved ones (also because I do not have pictures of them) and it is kinda 'oppen' for those souls who has no home to come back to. Most of all altars of the DotD are super awesome with lot of details and always trying to have ALL the elements but mine were really simple, but full of love.
Now that I remember, when I was in secondary school, I participated with my classmates in a competition to see who had the best altar that year. We made it to Cantinflas and the price was a trip to Reino Aventura. We won, of course!!! :-P (Yepp, Reino Aventura, that should tell you something about my age ;-) LOL )
So, now in Sweden I keep going with this tradition, and... TA-DAAAAAH I present you my four altars so far. If you compare mine with the expected ones, I would fail but I do not care :-D
(One change that I love is that instead of bread of the dead I put Kanelbulle, kinda Swedish, right?)
So, which one you liked more? I do not have one favorite, all of them represent also the moment where I was emotionally, so, I like them all.
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |