Capullo de cobijas

There was a time when one could feel a winter of -15ºC, dress up onlion style (lots of layers) and aweful boots. Just like that, people went outdoors.

Foto from Dec. 11th 2013
Nowadays we have a bright sunny day (cold, yeah but not freezing) and it is February (spring is blessing us since now!) and well, those time when one should be in a cocoon of blankets is passed. Done. And the worst is that I did not do my snowman! Daaaaarn!

The only hope is that as crazy this weather has been, maybe we get some snow, one week, few days. Something. Meanwhile, no more capullo de cobijas.


UPDATE: Few days ago we had snow. Yeiiiiii! It was a nice white surprise, but unfortunately it was fragile, no snowman at all. I took evidence of the nice landscape (smartie me!)
Feb 20th, 2014

UPDATE 2: The now is gone and we got a bright sunny and blue sky. So, is spring here?
Feb 22nd, 2014


...and all those wacky hashtags because #YOLO :-P